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First UK airline removes mask mandate
Jet2 has today become the first UK airline to remove the mandate to wear masks onboard its aircraft.
A spokesperson said “It is no longer a legal requirement to wear a face mask in England and Northern Ireland, including at our airports or onboard our aircraft. However, as per UK Government guidance, we recommend that customers continue to wear a face mask in these spaces, and we remind customers that they will need to wear one when they get to their overseas destination. Customers travelling from Scotland must still wear a face mask.”
Further information can be found here:
Which UK airports don’t require a face mask?

You’ll notice that it says “at our airports” as well. I had a quick look at some of their UK airports and indeed many have changed their policy for mask-wearing. However, it’s quite a mishmash and really I think they should all do the same rather than make it confusing for passengers.
Some have reduced it to personal preference:
- Manchester says that they “strongly recommend the wearing of face coverings”
- Gatwick says “We continue to recommend passengers wear a face covering when at the airport. Our staff continue to wear masks for your safety and theirs.”
- Southampton “The wearing of masks will be down to an individual’s personal choice “
Some only require masks in some areas:
- Birmingham says “In order to protect our staff and to ensure that they feel safe in their role it is mandatory for all customers/passengers to wear a face-covering in security, on all buses (landside and airside) and immigration.
Some still mandate wearing masks (in Scotland it is still mandatory legally):
- Leeds Bradford‘s advice seems a little out of date as its references 2021 but says “access to and within the terminal is restricted to those wearing face coverings, until further notice”
- Heathrow “As we continue to welcome passengers from around the world, wearing a face-covering will still be required whilst in our terminals unless you are exempt. “
- Newcastle “All passengers must wear a face mask within the terminal building. Passengers must also wear masks in the Airport catering and retail outlets, unless they are sat at a table to eat and drink.
Excellent news! And about time. You’ll likely recall at the start of the pandemic all the airlines were rushing to tell us how safe their air systems are – in fact safer than a typical shop on land.
Masks have become a bit of theatre and on a recent British flight, the announcements said you must wear a mask, but the crew had them round their chins and passenger compliance was hit and miss.
We all have the guidance, now it’s time to let people decide for themselves, after all… cabin air is cleaner than you can get elsewhere!
I agree. I can’t see how it’s any different from anywhere else except perhaps in terms of a long haul flight but then as you say they do have great air filtration. The only issue is that some countries still require masks so I guess it’s tricky for someone like BA who fly to lots of different countries. It’s easier for them to keep them. Hopefully the US will remove their mandate this month and then I think that will have a big impact on airlines.
I agree. It’s debatable whether wearing a mask made much difference; the real game changer has been vaccination. There are so many double standards, it’s laughable. I’m pleased Jet2 has taken the initiative. Doubtless flag carriers will be 6 months down the line.
About time this nonsense ended.
As others have said, an aircraft is probably the safest indoor space. Yet the ironically the only one where masks are still required!
And the longer the flight the less point there is. On a 45 minute hop with no food service, staying masked up might save you from the infected person next to you?
But after 10 hours with several mask off drinking sessions, I’m pretty sure I will have cought it. So might as well enjoy the flight without the muzzle!
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